The Submit for Assessment system accepts the following formats, the formats in bold are our preferred option.
File type |
Accepted formats |
Limit |
Audio |
.3g2 3ga .aac .aiff .amr .m4a .m4b .m4p .mp3 .wav .ogg |
Data |
.xls .xlsx .mdb .accdb .xlsb
Document |
.odt .pdf .rtf .txt .doc .docx .dotx .pages
Images |
.jpg .png .jpeg .tif .jfif .gif .heic .psd .dox |
Presentation |
.ppt .pptx .pdf .gslides .pptm .odp .ink .potx .pub
Video |
.3g2 .3gp .avi .flv .m4v .mkv .mov .mp4 .mp4v .wmp .wmv .wlmp
.mts .mov-1 .mp4-1 .xspf .mod .webm
Web |
.html .htm .gdoc .url .exe .keyÂ
Examined components
For examined components your PDF files must not include any interactive elements, for example comments, digital signatures, or form fields. If any PDFs contain interactive elements, you must first ‘flatten’ PDFs to remove the interactive elements. This does not alter the content of the PDF. If you upload PDFs with interactive elements for an examined component, you will receive an error message.
The easiest way to flatten a PDF is using the ‘Print PDF’ module in Adobe. You export the file to a printer and save it as a simple PDF with no layers:
- Open the PDF to be flattened in Adobe Acrobat DC, Pro DC, or an older version.
- Use the File → Print menu to load the Print menu. You must change the Printer name to Adobe PDF.
- Change any parameters that you need to, such as orientation, page range, size.
- Click Print and it will ask you for the target folder to save the file in. You can rename the file to preserve the original. Save the file.
Examined and moderated components
Make sure that:
- Word and text documents are a maximum of 200 pages
- all page sizes are A3 size or smaller (11.7 x 16.5 inch maximum)
- background and foreground colours are different from each other – use a high contrast.
- all text can be read at a 100% zoom level, without the need to zoom in further
- you have not included any macros or automation (Visual Basic code)
- documents are not password protected
all content is visible and nothing overlaps (one item covering another) for example images, text boxes or shapes.
File sizes and types
If a file is larger than the maximum file size, use HandBrake to reduce the file size before uploading it to Submit for Assessment.
Information about preparing documents and using Handbrake is in the Submit for Assessment administrative guide (PDF, 2MB).