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Message for schools in India and UK only: Apply for Access Arrangements service on My Cambridge will be unavailable for maintenance on Wednesday 5 June 2024
Access arrangements are pre-exam arrangements that allow candidates to access the assessment and remove unnecessary barriers, without changing the demands of the assessment.
Within access arrangements there are two groups, each with their own application form and set of deadlines:
Read the access arrangements section of the Cambridge Handbook so you understand each type of access arrangement and how to apply. For modified papers, you should also read our guidance: How to apply for modified papers (PDF, 247KB).
Group 1: Access arrangements
Group 2: Modified papers
Read our guidance on submitting evidence of a candidate’s need for access arrangements (PDF, 323KB).
We offer a range of modified question papers for our exams. See section 1.3 of the Cambridge Handbook for the types of modified paper available (other modifications that are not listed may be available and you should contact us if you have questions about this).
Below are modified copies of past question papers that you can download and use for mock exams in your centre. You may also wish to use these to help establish and/or support a candidates’ normal way of working.
We may have other types of past modified paper available from previous exam series. If the modified past paper you need is not listed below, contact us to see if we can help.
The font is modified so that visual information is simplified and printed in 18 point bold onto A4 sheets.
Unmodified content is printed on coloured paper.
You can produce a copy of a past question paper on the appropriate coloured paper. You should download a copy of an unmodified past question paper to do this. These are available on the relevant syllabus page of our website.
When producing a coloured copy of a past question paper you must not change the content of the question paper. For example, changing the font size.
The font is modified so that visual information is simplified, printed in 18 point bold and enlarged to A3
You can also print any of the 18 point bold past papers onto A3 paper.
The standard paper is enlarged to A3 size. This is not suitable where scaled diagrams have been used.
You can produce a copy of a past question paper on A3 paper. You should download a copy of an unmodified past question paper to do this. These are available on the relevant syllabus page of our website.
When producing an enlarged copy of a past question paper you must not change the content of the question paper. For example, changing the font size.
Enlarging a question paper may affect questions relating to scale. You must consider this in your production process and during marking.
Complex sentences are broken down into simpler ones. The questions and answers are the same as for any other candidate and technical vocabulary is not changed. Modified carrier language papers are only available for certain syllabuses and are not available in language or literature exams. We make sure our exam papers are as accessible as possible so this modification may not be needed for all exams.
Text in the paper is presented as Unified English Braille (UEB). Visual information is simplified or removed and presented as verbal information. Diagrams are presented in a tactile form.
If you require a past Braille paper or a past question paper with tactile diagrams, please contact us.