We calculate assessed marks for candidates that are absent for an acceptable reason, or exempted, from a component. We do this so we can award candidates an overall syllabus grade.
How are assessed marks calculated?
We calculate assessed marks based on how the marks the candidate scored in the components they sat compare to the marks scored by all candidates for those components.
This places the candidate in the same position for the component(s) they did not sit as their position for the components they did sit. It makes sure candidates with assessed marks for a component are not given an advantage or disadvantage compared to the candidates who sat the component.
Amina is entered for a Cambridge O Level that has three components. She is absent for an acceptable reason from Paper 1, and she sits Paper 2 and Paper 3. We need to calculate a fair mark for Amina for Paper 1.
First, our system identifies the candidates who took all three papers, then adds up their marks for Paper 2 and Paper 3.
- In the graph below, the highest total marks are on the right, the lowest total marks are on the left , and the higher the bar, the more candidates scored that total mark for Paper 2 and Paper 3.
- The system finds Amina’s total mark for Paper 2 and Paper 3. This is shown by the red line. We can compare her mark to the marks scored by the other candidates.
- The marks scored by the other candidates are smoothed (shown by the curve) to reduce the bumpiness of the original marks and give a more realistic reflection of the difficulty of the papers.
- In Amina’s case, we find that 80 per cent of candidates are to the right and have a higher score than her, and 20 per cent of candidates are to the left and have a lower score than her.
Total Marks for Papers 2 and 3 for candidates who took all three papers
Our system then looks up the marks these same candidates scored on Paper 1. The graph for these marks is below.
- Amina is put in the same place on the graph for Paper 1 as she is on the graph for the total marks for Papers 2 and 3.
- In Amina’s case, this place will be where 80 per cent of candidates have a higher score than her and 20 per cent have a lower score than her.
- This means the mark that Amina is awarded for Paper 1 will reflect how well she did on the other two papers, and it is not giving her an advantage or disadvantage compared to the candidates who took all three papers.
Amina’s assessed mark for Paper 1 is added to her marks for Paper 2 and Paper 3 and she receives a syllabus grade in the usual way.
Marks for Paper 1 for candidates who took all three papers